Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

 Baseball started for the boys at the end of last month but we are now in full swing. Both boys are playing in the Sunrise Sports League and are really enjoying it! It is hard to find a league for recreation with so many youth wanting to do out of town tournaments and play year round. Well, I think after a couple of years of searching we have found a league that is challenging for the boys but they are still able to get on the field! 

Alex is playing coach pitch and is way more excited about getting outs than hits. He has made a lot of improvement over two years ago! Last year he opted for Soccer but we might be able to do both this year because he can do fall soccer. 

Daryl is in the Middle School division and is playing the most competitive ball he has ever played. And he is keeping up with the team! So proud of him. He usually catches, sometimes he fields but on Monday he pitched. My mouth dropped open when they sent him to the mound! Because of run rules his team was far enough behind that the outcome of the inning he pitched didn't matter, so his coach let him have a try. His coach is really good about making sure everyone plays and lets them try new things when it makes sense. 

So three or four nights a week you can find us at the ball field. PS-Grandma loves it! 

When you unexpectedly get to pitch!

His normal spot!

Alex at bat!

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