Monday, June 28, 2021

My Last 4-H Camp...

I haven't been the Shawnee County 4-H Agent for a few months now. But until a new Agent is on board I'm continuing to cover the things that MUST happen. On of those MUST HAPPEN events is Camp. I love camp and I missed it last summer, it was probably the thing I missed the most. 

We were only allowed to bring half of the amount of kiddos to camp this year but it was still awesome! 4-H Camp is the perfect storm of getting to direct program with our youth while sharing the workload with other awesome Extension Professionals. We would all love to program like we do at camp all year, but the load is just too much to carry on your own. The camp group I get to work with is the best! We don't just plan camp, we love camp and we rock it. So, it is no surprise that this camp was awesome, even with some wrenches thrown in (weather) we had one heck of a time! 

To all the campers and counselors I have ever had, I now know your sadness when it is your last year going to camp. I felt it on Sunday. 4-H camp is special and it is one of the things I will miss the most about my 4-H job. 

Hopefully, Daryl will still get to go and some day Alex. Maybe they will enjoy camp a little more without everyone telling their mom everything. LOL There are eyes and ears everywhere at camp! 

They gave me TWO radios and I didn't loose either. Whew!

The sign of a successful camp is how fast they fall asleep when they get home! 

Last night of camp we had a very special camp fire. 

Sometimes a rain break will lead to a Yoga session! 

Poor guy, forced to do a selfie with mom! 

Hot, sweaty and having the time of his life!

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