Friday, July 2, 2021

June Goal Update

How is it July already?! I'm not ready for July, but it appears it is going to happen anyway. Things are moving so quickly I'm just now wrapping up my June goals. June was a hard month for the goals because I was out of town almost two whole weeks. We had a family vacation one week and county camp a week after that. That is all for my excuses, the good thing about monthly goals is I get to start again now! 

And,  I didn't focus on eating vegetables this month, so I know I didn't have many. Weird thing, I felt better last month. Weird?! They don't taste like much, but my body likes them....I must science this more..... 

Read 20 Books: 10/20  

I only finished one book this month. I usually read before bed and most nights in June I was just too tired! Good news is I'm halfway done with this goal and we are halfway done with the year. Will keep chugging away with my reading goal. The boys are still working on their 10 books this year goal! Daryl has read 4 and Alex has read 5. I need to figure out how we will celebrate if we all make our reading goal. 

People we Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry. This was on a reading list as a beach read. I wasn't going to the beach but it sounded good for vacation reading. It was a good book but the main character drove me a little nuts. Everything happens in the last 1/3 of the book and I'm glad I stuck it out for that. Just wish more happened in the first part of the book. Oh Well! 6 out of 10 bookworms from me. 

Run 800 miles: 437/800

I ran 59 miles this month. My goal was 65 miles and this is the first time I've missed my monthly miles goal since last June! That should tell me something about June in my life. Maybe make my running goal a little shorter in June? Someday I'll learn. My goal for July is 64, I really need to stay on track for a race in August. 

Money Goals: Very Exciting news, the shower is plumbed in and the tile is about halfway done! My contractor said he could start this week if he could finish after the holiday weekend. I told him sounds good to me! Beware the boys might be stinky come Tuesday! Only half way kidding, I have another shower but they don't like my 

  • Pay Off my Car - Done March
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix the sink in my bathroom
  • Add $2,000 to savings 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

I got a lot of progress done on my second project for the year at camp. I will probably jinx myself but this project could be finished in July! Exactly when every child needs a sweater!! 

This is what we have till after the 4th. I'm so happy 
that this is happening! We needed a shower in 
this bathroom.

Do you like the hot pink water resistant layer?
Look at my new window! 

Camp Knitting Progress, almost done with the body!

Took Grandma Rosie for Pedicures and 
a Steak Dinner for her birthday. Here she is with her
Strawberry cake! Of course I had to help eat it ;-) 

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