Sunday, July 11, 2021

Happy 4th of July 🎇🎇🎇

 I can't believe it has taken me till the 11th to write about July 4th. This month is already nutso and we are only 11 days in! Don't be surprised if the rest of July posts are just pictures! 

It felt so good to enjoy the 4th again in Topeka with friends. It reminded me that last year it was just mom and I hanging out at the house. Then when it got dark we went outside to watch fireworks at the park. We had two years to account for, this year we did it up right! 

We started with the Potwin parade from our friends' house and then had our tradition low country boil lunch. I made a fruit pizza and throughout the afternoon is slowly disappeared. Mom got the boys a bunch of fireworks to do during the day. And Daryl and Alex took the lead on that. About 4 o'clock we went back to our house for an nap but ended up playing a game of baseball! It was 2 on 2, and Daryl and Alex won. 

When it started to get dark we took our night fireworks to the park and so many people were already there getting ready for the neighborhood show. It was a blast! Happy 4th everyone, seven days later!! 

Topeka High Drum line came to perform after the parade!

Many years ago we took a picture like this
and Alex was crying. He hated the fireworks. 
He likes them now! 

And the rockets red glare!!!! The
bombs bursting in air!!!!!

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