Thursday, June 17, 2021

Catching All The Fish (Wisconsin pt. 2)

 The Highlight of our vacation was the time we spent with Adam of Pike Pole Fishing! He books months in advance and now I know why. He does everything he can to make sure the people on his boat are having a good time. He was also so good about showing the boys different things on the different types of fish they caught. 

I have to tell you a little story on Alex. To beat the heat we were to meet at Lake Koshkonog at 5am. This means we had to wake up at 4am and be on the road at 4:30am. Daryl was so excited he sprung out of bed and was dressed in a flash. Alex, was not that excited. On the drive to the lake he said, "This isn't the worst day of my life, but it sure feels like it." I reminded him that he said this after he caught his first fish and he said this was The Best Part of Vacation! 

The boys caught several different types of fish but their catches of the day was a Pike for Alex and a 23" Walleye for Daryl. One of the things Adam taught them was how to hold all of the fish they caught. Other than the Pike (those things are beastly) they did hold all their fish. I was very proud of my little anglers! 

Adam invited the boys to come back some winter to try Ice Fishing, they are all for it! 

Alex's Pike, that thing was the craziest fish I had ever seen!

The last fish Alex caught was a sauger. Look at those teeth!

Alex with his sheep head. I thought this was a great picture!
The 23inch Walleye, And one huge smile on Daryl!

Alex was catching such big fish I had to help hold the pole. 

Did I tell you Adam let Grandma Rosie drive the boat?!

Alex holding his fish like a pro!

Most of the time when one of the boys was reeling in a fish the other boy caught one too!
They kept Adam busy!  

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