Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Bill Snyder Highway Half

Yesterday, I ran my first half marathon for 2020. I was signed up to do the Top City Half in April but I lost all my training mojo and had to switch to the 5K. Originally, the Bill Snyder Highway half was supposed to be in May. I was relieved it was pushed back to Sept., I was not going to be ready to attempt it in May. 

Imagine my surprise when I got an e-mail with race details in Late July about the Sept. 7th race. I had COMPLETELY forgot about this race that I had already paid for. I knew it was coming up but I had failed to write down the new date. I had been running all summer to hit my monthly mileage goal of 50 but wasn't doing long runs. So I had to decide if I was going to be able to do all my long runs in one month to be ready for a 2+ hour race. 

With the encouragement of my friends I decided to give it a try. I completed a long run every weekend and got all the way up to 10 miles the week before the race. I was feeling good! 

I lined up with the 2:15 pace group hoping to clock a 2:14 time. My last half marathon was the KC Half Marathon in October of 2019. I ran a 2:16 in that race so I thought it would be good progress to knock 2 minutes off of that time. 

I was so glad this was the pace group I decided to go with. The pacers and other runners with the group were so supportive and gave great running advice. I learned so much running with them! The hills were in the first five miles and then we started going down hill until we hit town and then the course was flat. So at 8 miles the pacers encouraged us to speed up if we felt good. I did and I did feel really good until mile 12. OMG I started to feel it that last mile, and it was my slowest mile of the whole race! 

Was pleasantly surprised to see that my chip time was 2:10:46, I knocked almost 6 minutes off of my 2019 time! So happy with this race and I have my running mojo back. Last night I actually signed up for another race in November! LOL I just hope it doesn't get too cold before then. I don't like to run in the cold. I said what I said! 

Also, took the best race pictures I have ever taken. Ya, this race was a total win. 💖

Yay, Finish line! 

Best pace group 2:15! 

My official results. Not too shabby! Can I break 2:10 in November??

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