Tuesday, September 15, 2020

New Kansas Rocks (New to me :-)

 What do you do with your first weekend in months with no work and no kids? I take the time to finally drive across the state and check out the Kansas State Park, Little Jerusalem Badlands! It is four and a half hours from Topeka and very worth the drive. There is a walking path out to several points in the rock formations and it is a very easy walk. 

Of course while you are there you should just go ahead and check out Monument rocks, the only thing that will get in your way are cows in the road. Take time to explore Kansas, it is worth it! Next time, largest ball of twine and Garden of Eden. LOL 

My boys do road trips very well but I was very happy with my decision to make this road trip a grown ups trip. Don't feel sorry for them, just a month ago I drove them to Colorado, I've done my part! LOL 

This is the boys second week of virtual school but my first week supervising. On day number two I almost don't want to say it but, so far so good! The boys are logging on, participating in their classes and getting their homework turned in. I can't really ask for more. For the second day in a row I have been able to stop melt downs with the promise of ice cream after dinner. If this keeps working I should buy stock in Blue Bunny. 

The guardians of Monument Rocks near Oakley, KS 

Little Jerusalem Badlands State Park

More from Monument Rocks! 

Daryl at school

Alex at school, I don't know how he walks to his
desk either. 

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