Monday, September 28, 2020

First day of School, part deux

 It is amazing, but today, 9/28/2020 both boys went to school. I can't wait to hear how their day went! This is only two days a week for Daryl but it will be good for him to actually meet his teachers. I think he will engage more during virtual school once he has made those connections. 

Alex should be able to go every day but that is just as long as it is safe to do so. With COVID we always have to see what happens two weeks after any change is made. If things flare up the school is ready to send the kiddos back online. I'm not mad about it, they are doing the best they can. 

Daryl was so nervous last night about going to a new building he was driving me crazy! He was pacing, sighing and was super short with Alex and I. To help calm his nerves we spent and hour going through his backpack, picking out his clothes and talking about best times to wake up to make the bus. He settled on 6:20am but I think we will be able to push that back to 6:30am. He was ready in plenty of time this morning. 

I got to walk him to the bus stop this morning but was not allowed to take any pictures! 

At Alex's school I had to settle for a picture in the drop off line. All parents have to stay in their cars while their kids get their temperature checked. If they are good to stay, parents just drive away. It all happened so fast there was no time to get sad or worry. 

Can't wait to hear all the first day stories, even if it is actually the fourth week of school. ;-) 

Ready to go before the sun is up! 

You can take ONE picture before the bus comes mom.

Alex was so ready for today! 3rd grade here we come!

Waiting our turn for temp check in the drop off line. 
2020 you are full of surprises! 

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