Wednesday, July 1, 2020

June Goal Update

June sure went by fast! The month before the county fair always does. Now the clock really starts ticking to 4-H's biggest event of the year. This year will be different and it was planned from scratch. I had no idea how much I leaned on our fair process. My office has been working our butts off to create this new process on top of everything else we always have to do. 

I'm thankful for the team I work with, because of them our 4-H fair will happen. It won't be perfect but it will happen! Ok, back to still working on process... Don't expect much from the July goals update. 

2020 Goals 

Read 12 Books: 8/12 

This month I read Slaughter House 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. So I have had this book for YEARS and have tried to read it several times. My advice is once you get past the first three chapters it is easier to read. It begins as thoughts in the author's head and it jumps for no rhyme or reason. But after that while there is still jumping in time and space you either get used to it or they are better placed. I read it, it was OK and then I donated it! 

I also read Becoming by Michelle Obama. I thought I could not love her and her family anymore, but I was wrong. It is one thing to admire the way Michelle handled herself as first lady, I have new respect for her learning all of the things you never saw. Michelle and her family came from the South side of Chicago and leaned on education, family and hard work to achieve so much. Those are values I was raised with. Yes, I love her even more. 10/10 recommend this book to everyone. 

I have to brag a bit on Daryl and Alex. They both signed on with me for the summer reading program with the library. I told them if they hit 12 hours (over the summer) we would do something special that they could choose. Daryl finished his 12 hours in a month. 👀 I didn't have to nag him or bug him. He read three books that he really enjoyed and would read for over an hour some times. Alex has read 10 hours and tells me he will be done this week! I tell them every time we stop to have family reading time that "readers are leaders". Mom was telling them one day about how important it is to learn how to read for enjoyment. I guess she was getting pretty animated because Daryl told her she sounded like a preacher. "I get it, I get it Grandma!" Mom was giggling when she told me about it. 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2.75/4 

No real progress here. I told you it's hard to knit when it's hot. Playing with  wool is a winter sport....

Make 2 Quilts :DONE May 2020

I started a 3rd quilt this month. Can I make 3 quilts in a year, should I? We are going to find out! 

Run 600 Miles: 311

I got  58  miles this month! We had one very cool week and that really gave me a boost. These last three days you could cut the humidity with a knife, and that is at 6am. July could be a slog. But I've set my 50 mile goal again and I will hope for the best! 

Save 2,000 Dollars: DONE April 2020 

I was able to save $300 this month. There was no extra income this month and no big expenses. There are not many "normal" months in my year, but this was one. So I should be able to save $300 a month on the regular. hmmmmm 

5 House Projects: No new house projects this month. I'm eyeing that tree but we have a family vacation planned for August so I'm not wanting to spend that money just yet. 
Put in a ceiling light in living room:  Done May 
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree
Get my Garage door working

The beginning of Quilt #3

Becoming is a process! 

I know it looks almost done but it's not.
Still have to finish the collar, button bands and pockets. 

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