Monday, June 29, 2020

Happy Birthday Grandma Rosie!

Happy Birthday Grandma Rosie! Today is your day, and with the house to yourself I hope you get to do exactly what you want. Your birthday falls during wheat harvest. But, you no longer work at the grain elevator so you don't have to eat your cake at work. Yay! 

My whole childhood when I woke up on your birthday you were already at work. I remember coming to your office to wish you a Happy Birthday before I biked around town or left for the pool. Then you would be home after dark, just to get up and do it again. We all just crossed our fingers your long hours would be over by 4th of July. 

I'm so glad that now you get to sleep in, you don't miss a grand-kid's ballgame and you get to garden, stitch or read whenever you want! I hope you are as happy with your new living arrangement as I am. For all the harvest hours I missed with you, we are sure making up for it now! 

Love you Mom! 

Still plays in the dirt!

When Alex decorated our Mother's day cake he
made the Alpaca for me and the Rose for grandma!

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