Thursday, June 25, 2020

Play Ball

I have resigned myself to the fact that we are in a new normal. The precautions I am taking are not going away anytime soon. We don't go into any store without wearing a mask, even if we are the only ones. We don't go out for unnecessary reasons, and we still don't eat inside of restaurants. The only time we did was when we ate with cousins in Jetmore and we had almost the entire place to ourselves. 

We are not perfect and I have friends that are much better at staying at home than I am. But we are making progress! 

Daryl did sign up for baseball this summer and he has had two games so far. I do not consider this season a "back to normal" because I am much different at the games than last year. We (Mom and I) bring our camp chairs and stake out our spot on one of the base lines away from the other parents. We bring our own snacks and drinks and the players don't even shake hands after the games. It is not zero risk but I am doing what I can to reduce risk while Daryl does something that is good for him. It's a delicate balance. 

Now for the fun stuff. Daryl has been hitting like a champ! It is a kid pitch league and he will go after pitches that would probably be called balls, but he wants to hit! He has struck out doing this and he walks back to the dugout with more grace than he did last year. He has also been thrown out at first and he is starting to shrug that off too as a part of the game. He is maturing and I LOVE IT! 

On Tuesday he pitched for the first time! He pitched two innings and he walked some batters and he struck out some batters. He did sooo good for his first attempt. It is a short season, only six games. But we will take it! 

Alex hopes to find a soccer team to join in the fall. Stay tuned! 

My star pitcher!

On one of our walks around the park.

He is very lucky that dad volunteered to coach!
Mom only knows to keep your eye on the ball! 

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