Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Quilts Are Done!

I was very happy to learn this week that Mom and I's quilts were done being quilted. Yesterday, we made a "quick" roadtrip to Jetmore to pick them up! The boys came too because if we are in a car all day, that means eating out. LOL 

I was even happier to find out my sister, nephews and niece were going to meet us for lunch. It was so great to see them all and visit about how their summer is going. We were half way home when I realized the ONLY picture I took was of my Tostada at Judy's restraunt. It was very worthy of a picture but I wish I would have gotten one of all the cousins. Ugh

Daryl also found a fishing spot withing biking distance of the house this week. So he was there two days this week. He only caught a frog (that was gross). Daryl said it was ok because he likes fishing not catching fish. That was a little deep for me! 

It was a great weekend and I'm ready for another week, we are doing virtual 4-H  camp this week, so wish me luck! 

My 4-H T-Shirt Quilt! 

Still love my corners!
My Fairy Godmother Quilt

My mom's scrappy quilt. 
She has WAY more patience than me! 

It was the only picture I took Saturday, so I 
might as well post it!
Alex came with Daryl to check out the
spot. He didn't really want to fish. 

He is a determined angler. 
He asked if I wanted to fry frog legs.
I said no. 

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