Sunday, June 7, 2020

Another yard project done!

It is HOT in Topeka!! Do yourself a favor and put that last sentance in the search bar of Youtube. ;-) Because of the weather Mom and I got out in the yard both Saturday and Sunday before 8am. That way we could be done at 10am. Mom had been weeding this bed for a couple of weeks but this week we finished planting some stuff and mulching. It looks great! 

We only have one bed left, might get done this summer, might not. But the yard looks so much this summer. The boys were all smiles when they got to my house this afternoon. Yesterday they went fishing and they had a good haul. You can tell by their faces they had a blast!

The after picture!

The before picture

We planted some canna bulbs, peony roots, 
mexican sunflowers and a lilac bush! 
The Cannas are already coming up!

Both beds are now done! 
Look at that haul!

Daryl says this is the biggest fish he has every caught!

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