Sunday, July 19, 2020

All About The Fair

It must be July if I haven't had a blog post in two weeks. There are two reasons, one I've got work on the mind from morning to night and secondly working all the time isn't good blog material! No one wants to hear about making spreadsheets and phone calls all day.

But it is all for a reason and that is the 4-H County Fair. And this year it was more work than most years. As a system 4-H had to think about how to have a county fair while limiting in person contact. That is not an easy task, but we made a plan and are going forward.

While my part of the fair is boring, the boys get to do the fun stuff! It would have been a good idea to start all our 4-H fair projects while we were all stuck at home for two months. But we didn't. So about the 1st of July they sat down and started to think about what they wanted to do.

Alex went to Gage park and took some pictures for his first year in photography. Grandma also took him to Potwin pottery for his ceramics entry. He still has to bake and finish another arts and crafts project for Thursday.

Daryl was disappointed that he would not get to shoot Archery at the fair. So all he had left was a wildlife poster and his sewing and buymanship project. He wanted to shop at Academy because they have fishing clothes. After that was done he told me he didn't have to sew because he made a bag at one of the project meetings he went to. Now that I think about it, that was his only sewing project meeting he went to! We are either going to have to focus more on sewing next year or drop that project. He did say he wants to sew an orange hunting vest, so at least he has something he wants to make.

I won't see them much this coming week but that's ok. We already have plans for some family time the first week of August. I will get to see all my other 4-H kids this week! Even if it just for a moment as they drop off their projects.
Daryl's 2020 Buymanship outfit. His socks don't match, he doesn't care. LOL
One of Alex's photo entries, his Topeka Blue Whale. 

Over my holiday weekend I framed some fabric to decorate my bathroom.

I love how it turned out! 

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