Friday, July 31, 2020

July Goal Update

July is the tipping point month. Everything should be over half done. It is a good time to refocus on things that are not getting done. July is also a hard month for work so all progress is a double success. I'm just glad doing yard work is not a goal, because that is about the only thing I failed at this month. The yard is a mini jungle. And it won't stop am I supposed to mow?! 

Here is hoping nothing but success and goal finishing for the rest of 2020! We've been running uphill for awhile now, the down hill should be close. ;-) 

2020 Goals 

Read 12 Books: 9/12 

I wasn't sure I would be able to read a book this month but then I found a delicious piece of fiction that I couldn't put down. It was twisted and you were always waiting for more secrets to be told. Exactly the escape I needed from some of my busy days! The book was My Husband's Wife by Jane Corry, I was able to borrow it from the library on my Kindle. Just because it can't be said enough, we have the BEST LIBRARY. 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2.75/4 

I made the collar on my vest. It's dumb, the whole thing looks small and I kinda want to not finish it. So that is my knitting progress. No Bueno. 

Make 2 Quilts :DONE May 2020

This goal is officially done, so I don't feel to bad about not getting any sewing down this month. Something had to give. LOL

Run 600 Miles: 361

I got  50  miles this month! This one took some strategery to accomplish. I didn't miss a run the first part of the month. I knew the 3rd week was fair and I wanted to be prepared for maybe just one run for the week. Then I had to finish the month the week after. I actually got THREE runs fair week so I only had to run nine miles this week. I slacked off two mornings so I almost wasted all of my planning. Got up this morning, did 3.5 miles and I got it done. Yay! 

Now to kick it in gear to do one month of training for a half marathon I forgot that I paid for....oh dear. 

Save 2,000 Dollars: DONE April 2020 

I didn't put any money in savings for this month. The boys and I are having a mini vacay so I'm taking all unspent funds and having a little fun. 

5 House ProjectsI still got my eye on that ugly tree. I think August will be your last month sir.....
Put in a ceiling light in living room:  Done May 
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree
Get my Garage door working

Was feeling a little spicy after the fair, got a new sign for my desk. LOL!

Took the boys to the dentist yesterday. No cavities! 

Barely made 50 July miles, but I did. I was a little faster this month too! 

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