Monday, July 20, 2020

Happy 8th Birthday Alex!

Tonight, we had Alex's birthday party, "pandemic edition". That means you get all the necessary stuff, at home. Cake, ice cream, presents and immediate family. Alex insisted on making his own cake so we had to do that real quick after work. I put it in the freezer while we ate dinner so we could frost it. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday dinner and he choose spaghetti.  Dad came over for the party and Alex declared he is "So Happy!" Mark his 8th birthday party a success! 

Was able to get his picture before I had to go to work! 

HE wanted to make his cake, and he did! 

Be looking for more YouTube videos! Dad
got him a real camera! 

Daryl got him some Preston Merch!

Daryl is old enough to light the candles....maybe

They were both pretty happy tonight, that is the present to me!

So glad Grandma was able to come. Papa Mike had
a City Council meeting. 

I got him a smart watch. Maybe this will stop the daily
ask for a phone! 

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