Monday, April 6, 2020

Quilt #1 Progress

When I had the idea for this quilt I didn't have a plan. I just knew after 7.5 years working as the Shawnee County 4-H Agent I had a LOT of 4-H T-Shirts. I cut them out, without a plan. I put a 2 inch border on them, without a plan. And I started laying them out on the floor until I was happy.

When I layed out the blocks I had I realized two things. First, I don't know how big a queen size quilt should  be. Quick Google search told me 92 inches by 96 inches! Second, I'm going to need more T-Shirts. Last week I did 3 blocks most days, there were a couple of days I didn't do any.

By the weekend I realized my original 18 shirts was not enough. So I went thru the shirts I am currently wearing and cleared them out! I only have one 4-H t-shirt left and I have 24 T-shirt blocks to work with!

This week I have to start sewing together the rows and do the border.  In the middle of that I'm going to try and sew my first face mask. I don't have any elastic the right size, so I guess  I will be doing ties.

I have been putting that off because sewing on my quilt makes me so happy. I remember all the camps and conferences I have been able to go to with my 4-H'ers. Thinking of sewing for my new reality doesn't elicit joy. But, I have these skills and I can take care of my own family with masks. The CDC changed their recommendation about wearing masks in public places. So, I will get it done.

But first look at my quilt, isn't she pretty?!

It's long enough....the borders will be on the Wide side. 

The Many ears of Purl! 

My last four that I had to dig out of my dresser.

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