Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March Goal Update

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have had a lot of time to work on goals in March. I will get on my soap box once again for goals. With all this extra time I've found myself with at home, I've know exactly the things I wanted to work on to better myself. Heck, I may get them done a lot earlier than December, and that's OK! 

2020 Goals 

Read 12 Books: 3/12 
The first book I read this month was Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. This falls into the category of beach read for me and it was excellent. Once I got 50 pages in I didn't want to put it down. It was fun to escape to Scotland for a bit and see who Eleanor is and what made her that way. Two thumbs up! 

The second book I read this month was Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I would have never picked up this most excellent read if it was not selected for Book 2 Topeka. That is a wonderful program put on by our library, where the librarians pick a book for our community to read together. Night Circus is a beautiful fiction book that is so well written I was sad when it was over. It is a 500 page book so being home-bound the last two weekends of this month is the only way I finished it so quickly. The first line and the last line of the book are the same,"The circus arrives without warning." This book will take you without warning. Not really a beach read as I wish I had paid more attention to the timeline in the beginning. The chapters move around in place a time. The two main characters are magicians who duel at a circus that only opens at night. If you like fiction books, this one will not disappoint. I would rate it with my favorites! 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2/4 
I have started my third project. A bigger project than I have completed in awhile, I'm making a vest called the Mielie vest. I have just enough Berrocco Vintage yarn from stash to make it. I hope my sister's cats didn't eat too much of my yarn!  

Make 2 Quilts : I have started Quilt #1

This month I got all of the interfacing on the T-Shirt squares to start my 4-H T-Shirt Quilt. It is looking like April will be 4 more weekends at home. So I have high hopes for my quilt progress. Just a technicality to point out, I just make the tops. I send them off to be turned into quilts. :-) 

Run 600 Miles: 162

I got 56 miles this month. So the good news is I made my monthly goal. The bad news is I fell off of my training plan for my April half marathon. When I found out it was a virtual race I was also having to figure out how to run my job virtually from home. There was a lot of stress and I stopped my training distances. This last week I was running 2 to 4 miles almost every day just to get my 56 miles. 

So I'm looking at pulling a PW (personal worst) for my virtual half marathon. I anticipate a lot of walking breaks! 

Save 2,000 Dollars: $965

I saved 265 this month. I had to do a little more spending at the end of this month than orginally planned. Having the boys home all week requires more grocery money and more eating out money. I can't cook every day! During this time of uncertainty, I'm more dedicated than ever to bulk up my savings. I plan to hit my $2000 goal and surpassing it! 

5 House Projects: House projects are on hold right now. Have to stay home to stay safe and part of that is keeping other people away from the house right now too. 

Put in a ceiling light in living room
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree
Get my Garage door working

Trying to remember all the things I should be thankful for.
We have a lot of play space around our house.
Very thankful for room for the boys and I to be outside.

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