Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I Have Confessions

You can file these confessions under, "only things Candi cares about". But, I can't continue to live with my lies so I'm coming clean!

I fell off the no new clothes bandwagon. On March 3rd I bought the cutest yellow Lularoe dress. What can I say? Yellow is my color! I got compliments when I wore it, so I know it was the right choice. Before I lost all will power and bought the dress two of my friends and I had been swapping clothes. We all had a Goodwill pile at home, so we compared our piles! I score an awesome cardigan and two dresses that I didn't buy. Yay for swapping!

I'm not letting my moment of weakness get out of hand. I bought my dress and now I'm back on the wagon. It was a good three months, let's see how my will power fares this time!

My second confession also has to do with my weakness around shopping. I bought new yarn. I wanted to make a hat for a particular person and I just didn't have the right color! I can't even tell you the last time I bought yarn, I honestly think it is when I went to the Dallas Fiber and Wool festival in April of 2018. So, I almost made it two years?!

My last confession is when I found out that my first half marathon of the season was changed to a virtual race, I stopped running. In two weeks I only did 1 treadmill run. That is my version of pouting. There are many reasons that my pouting was  a bad idea. First, there is still a race, we are just on our own. Second, I lost a lot of my conditioning. Third, I filled my running time with baking and eating cookies, very counterproductive! Lastly, I'm having to run EVERY DAY just to make my 50 mi/month goal!!!

Whew, I've cleared my conscience. I know you all don't care, but I just might sleep better tonight! LOL

I had to steal the boys tonight for a drive thru date! 

No worries we ate it parked in the parking lot! 
Need 12 miles before the end of the month. Ugh 

The dress that broke my will power. It is so cute on me! 

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