Saturday, March 21, 2020

My 3rd Dress #2

I started this Dress on January 20th. I had a little bit of trouble with the pockets, because I don't read directions, so I put it in time out. All I had left to do was the neck binding and the hems. So I spent some time at the sewing machine today and finished it! Yay!

Also, while I was sewing I had the boys write letters to some of my sister's residents at her long term care facility. While that sounds like a warm and fuzzy activity, it was not smooth sailing. Turns out it is hard for kids to write to people they don't know. We figured out a few lines that work and they finished one card each. Let's just say I got a little yell-ey when I told them they both had to do more than one. Perfect mom I am not, but six letters were written on old Christmas cards. Reaching out AND using what we have in the house!

Finally, I will leave you with a friendly tip. If you bake 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies and have two kids they will last approximately three days. (PS-Alex isn't eating them!) Buy your chocolate chips accordingly!

I have had this fabric since I worked at JoAnns in 2009!
It's a little crazy b/c I always bought the stuff that went on sale
for $1 or $2 a yard. 
Photo Credit to Daryl, had the cutest photo
bomber ever! 

Daryl is not my usual baker but he had fun! 

Making my own bias tape like I learned at Dress School! 

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