Thursday, March 19, 2020

A Lot Of Little Things

I'm not going to blog about staying close to home specifically, however this opportunity has given me a chance to appreciate some things I may not have before.

The first thing that brought me a lot of joy today was a new wallet I ordered early last week. I got it on Etsy and it is AMAZING! Even better than the pictures, it has pockets for four different budget items. That way I can put the cash in and when it's gone, it's gone. Should keep me more accountable than my debit card.

Spending so much time at home had me realizing how badly my "new to me" table needed new place mats. I loved the Christmas ones I made, but those got put away last month. So, I found some awesome yellow and blue fabric, and tonight I finished them. Eeek, they are perfect! This new table gives us more elbow room and is not wobbly. We are enjoying it.

Lastly, I am working from home on the weeks I have the boys. In between setting up web meetings, answering e-mails and editing the fairbook we have been trying to "learn stuff." Alex and I try to see how many subjects we can get in a day. Today, we got in reading, PE and science! It might have been more like arts and crafts with science tomorrow. But before you can erupt the volcano you have to build it! 

What we are going thru now is completly new, and not easy. I will do my best to distract with funny boy stories, Purl pictures and new projects! Feel free to distract me too!

Reversible place mats! Eek

Cutest wallet ever! 

Pouring our Volcano! 

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