Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Height of Adulting

I got so excited today that I have to scream it from the mountain top. My new stove is here! All four burners work, I tested them. It is so pretty that I haven't even cooked on it yet, I just can't do it. LOL

The delivery guys could not understand my squealing. One asked if the other one died on me, and I said nope! I just finally had the cash to buy a new one. If new appliances making me giddy wasn't enough, on Saturday I bought my very first...bedskirt! How does one get to 37 without having a bedskirt? Some things we will never know. When I got my new Alpaca sheets last week I decided I no longer liked seeing my box spring. Hence a bedskirt.

Am I not the most adulty adult you've ever met? I'm also making progress on my book goal. I read 100 pages just today of "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine." It is some delicious fiction, and the author is keeping a secret about Eleanor, I'm hooked. I'll read it some more after I publish this blog.

Also, on Friday we celebrated Alex's July birthday at school. It was the last day before Spring Break so it seemed like a good day to bring in donuts and a game. I adore Alex's teacher this year, and his classroom is a lot of fun. Alex always picks donuts for his classroom treat, and I made him get up at 7am so we could go buy them. I told him the sprinkles would be all sold out if we waited till we left for school. Sprinkles are obviously the best. :-)

Alex's class singing Happy Birthday to him! 

Playing Hoola Hoop relays! 

My old stove, that I am happy to see go! 

My pretty new stove!! 

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