Saturday, February 29, 2020

Feb Goal Update

2020 Goals 

Hit my run goal this month. That was about it. That's the good thing about yearly goals, I'll just work harder in March. Still no new clothes! That's two months, yay me!

Read 12 Books: 1/12 
I did not finish a book this month. Oops! I blame "The Good Place" on Netflix. I did finish that this morning on the treadmill so back to the books! PS-It's a very good show. 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2/4 Barley Light Hat 

Made Jefferson his yearly hat!

Make 2 Quilts : Still No....

Run 600 Miles: 106

To make 600 miles that is 50 a month. I got to 53 this month. I didn't even need the extra day that leap year gave me! I'm right where I need to be for my April half marathon. I only got to run outside a couple of times in February and I'm ready to be done with the treadmill. I want to be done now! 

Save 2,000 Dollars: 700

I saved 500 this month! Yay tax refund! I also paid for some expenses for a couple of trips I have planned. One in April and one in August. So you can save money and travel, you just have to plan! 

5 House Projects: Got my new stove this month! I'm so happy to have four working burners again! If I'm able to replace my fridge next year I will have all new appliances. :-) 

Put in a ceiling light in living room
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree
Get my Garage door working

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