Tuesday, February 18, 2020

2020 4-H Club Days

The boys had a very busy Saturday hustling from 4-H Club Days to basketball. When your mom is the 4-H Agent, Club Days is not optional. Alex understands this and has been begging me all of February to get a different job. LOL

He is not my public speaker, yet, and project talks cause him a lot of anxiety. For two weeks we went back and forth over the actual talk he would do. He decided on talking about baking. He mentioned all of the things he has made and I encouraged him to talk about some of the safety points he has learned. He practiced every day for a week, and this year NO TEARS! He was a little quiet and we didn't tackle a poster this year. I think next year he will be able to do those parts. Yay, Alex!

For the second year Daryl did an impromptu talk. He likes those because he doesn't have to practice. (eye roll) He did better this year but he needs to work on making his talks longer. Both years they have been a little short.

After their talks they raced to the gym for basketball. I was told they both had good games. After I left the school all I wanted was a nap! I did get my long run in this weekend, but that waited till Sunday. :-)

Yesterday, we took advantage of the 50 degree weather and rode bikes after school. It was fun to get my bike out for the first time this year. The boys and I are already looking forward to when we can ride everyday! Come on Spring, we are waiting...
Alex rocking his first project talk! Loved his green shirt! 

Daryl doing his impromptu! 

I got to help with Alex's Valentine's day party.
I even got to meet the girl he talks about a lot!

My job has perks. 4-H'ers bringing me homemade pie is one of them! 

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