Tuesday, February 11, 2020

I Am Very Self-Aware, Now

I don't know how the conversations go about me when my boys are with their dad. But, I do feel like they are told Mom forgets to do things. This is totally fair.

Case in point, yesterday both boys came bounding into the house with parent teacher conference forms in hand. (They get dropped off at my house every morning because they walk to school from my house, or as far as I will drive them!) Alex explained that dad is out of town the week of conferences and I need to sign a paper confirming my teacher appointment. I am roaming the house getting ready for work while this conversation is happening.

Me-Alex I can't sign that right now because I don't have a pen.
(Alex disappears and comes back with a pen.)
Me-I have to check my calendar to make sure I can do that time.
Alex-Where is your calendar?
Me-In My purse.
(Alex disappears and comes back with my calendar!)

At this point I'm laughing as I realize he will not be deterred! I stop doing my makeup, check my calendar and sign his paper. Did I mention he is 7?

Alex to Daryl-Daryl come get your paper signed mom has her pen and calendar!

I am so glad that Alex keeps me and Daryl on track. That is the Meerpohl in him! :-) Although Daryl definitely takes after me with his smart mouth. This is a conversation that happened on Sunday.

Alex-Can we go to my friend's house today to see if he can play?
Daryl-Alex when mom says "maybe" she means no.
Alex-(initiates meltdown)
Me-Daryl you do not need to tell Alex everything you know!

My kids have figured me out and all of my Mom tricks. Could be a long 11 years! LOL

Daryl giving his project talk at his 4-H meeting

Alex giving his foods project talk!

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