Monday, February 3, 2020

What A Super Weekend!

Ok, so I know, Go Chiefs! They won the Super Bowl and that was very exciting. However, that was not the only excitement we had this weekend.

First thing Saturday Alex was ON FIRE for his basketball game. He made six baskets, almost every shot he took. It was amazing and all the parents were just floored. I was so excited he was having success, lord knows I have watched him struggle. He was so excited that we celebrated with lunch at McDonald's, his favorite!

After lunch Alex and I hustled over to the Washburn Union to watch Daryl in the Shawnee County Spelling Bee! Him getting to the county spelling bee was a roller coaster of emotions. He came in the top four after the school spelling bee and then after their written test he was the third place speller. Only the top two get to go on so he was very disappointed. Then, one of the top two couldn't do it and Daryl was the first alternate!

He studied and took the whole opportunity very seriously. I was so proud to watch him compete. He got his first round word right, but did get knocked out in the second round. His teacher came to cheer him on and I hope he felt how loved he is! I hope he gets to try again next year!

The weather was just too good on Saturday not to run outside. So, after the spelling bee I did my five mile run. That is what I am up to for my long runs. I probably won't have weather like that again for awhile. Oh well!

So the Superbowl was great, but the stuff happening around our Manor was pretty great too!

My stud throwing in the ball! 

My other Stud standing up in front of a room of people and spelling words! 

This was after he got out. :-( 

Can I also say I got to do almost all my favorite
Lawrence things this weekend? Including Ramen,
long dog walks, knitting and Tacos and Margaritas?

Two years ago Jefferson tagged me in a Facebook post. You would have thought
that would be one of many. NOPE, that was the last time! It came up in my memories and
I made fun of the fact that he is not very good at Facebook. So, two years later he tagged me again.
 This time for a Chiefs Superbowl win! Maybe I'll get one tag a year! LOL 

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