Thursday, April 30, 2020

April Goal Update

Before I go over my yearly goal progress I have great news! Grandma Rosie is here! She put off her move toTopeka until they started getting Covid cases in SW Kansas. Once the Virus was there as well, she thought she could hide out here just as well as hiding out down there. The boys and I are so happy to have her here. She has already been busy in the yard. My yard has lots of project for anyone that likes projects. That was a bright spot to our days that all seemed to blend together. 

2020 Goals 

Read 12 Books: 4/12 

This month the boys and I read "The One and Only Ivan" by K.A. Applegate. We read the first half of the book taking turns reading but I ended it by reading to them. It was a great youth chapter book. Very heartfelt and all three of us couldn't wait to see how it ended. 

Many thanks to Ms. Foster for putting the copies into a ziplock and letting us pick them up. It was a great read! 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2.5/4 

Still working on my Mielie vest. It has been a good project for my multiple zoom meetings. I'm getting ready to start my third ball of yarn. I may need to cast on something in the middle of this. I'm getting tired of the blue!  

Make 2 Quilts : I have started Quilt #1

So much progress on Quilt #1 this month. All of the T-Shirts have been cut and bordered. (I have TWO 4-H t-shirts left to wear.) I have all of the rows of T-Shirts sewn together. I've also made the four corner pieces that will be a part of the border. I'm using the fronts of shirts that had a little chest logo. 

This project has been the best distraction! All I have left to do is put on the borders. This two quilt goal was a stretch goal but thanks to our Stay at Home order I may get it done! 

Run 600 Miles: 197

I got 35 miles this month. That is not 50, the amount I need every month to get to 600 for the year. The good news is I have been getting more than 50 the last couple of months so I didn't blow my yearly goal with this month. Why did I fall off of running so hard? Change of daily routine, losing the gym, my half being turned into a virtual race. These all played a little part of my head losing the stay motivated game. None of these things are changing for May, so I will just have to get mentally tougher or chuck this goal. I'm not ready to do that yet. We will circle  back in a month! 

I didn't run my virtual half, thank goodness the race people let me switch to the virtual 5K. At least I will get my shirt from the inaugural Top City 5K/Half Marathon race. :-) 

Save 2,000 Dollars: $2465

I saved 1500 this month. Not going to lie that was stimulus money. However, I'm lucky enough to still be working and getting a paycheck. So that money went directly to savings. It is more important than ever to have a savings account and I hope I don't have to dip into it. 

5 House Projects: Nothing off the list in April. But I have the tree removal in the budget for May. So hopefully that will be done soon! I have been putting my new stove and four of it's burners to good use this month! So happy to have it! 

Put in a ceiling light in living room
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree
Get my Garage door working

One of the four corner pieces I made for the border!

Quilt top just minus the border! 
Four corners
I lowered my goal from 60 to 35 when I realized I was having head struggles.
I'm glad I did because just finished this morning! 

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