Sunday, May 3, 2020

Yard Projects

One flower bed down, two to go! I wish I had a before before picture, when Grandma Rosie started pulling all of the weeds out of the bed. There are three beds around my house but this is the big one that covers two sides of the house. Grandma Rosie pulled weeds, I put down some weed block plastic then we used 12 bags of mulch! I decided I didn't want to put any flowers in the ground this year. They just get lost in the weeds. I am going the planter route this year. See if I can manage to keep them alive!

Other things done this weekend, made more masks for errands, read my book, laundry and watched the boys play outside a lot! It was a bittersweet weekend. My yard looks so much better and I spent a lot of time with the boys but this was supposed to be Spring Show weekend.

I shouldn't have been home all day Saturday and probably would have been recovering most of today. My 4-H'ers are missing lots of stuff, I just hope they are savoring the extra time with their families. Next summer when we are running between ball fields and livestock barns I can remember this time when all we had to do was pull weeds and ride bikes. :-)

Daryl loved putting the flowers in the planters. 

Between all the yard work I got a porch delivery from my virtual 5K last weekend!

Before mulch
The after 

still some more weeds to pull before weed paper and mulch

So much better! 

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