Thursday, May 7, 2020

Sometimes Your Border needs a Border

I finished quilt #1! Well I finished as much as I do. I will send it off for the actual "quilting". I put on the first border that had the corner pieces, then I realized I needed another border. I wanted to protect my corners that I had worked so hard on. Can you believe that, I start cutting out T-Shirts in December and have been cutting and sewing for two months. My favorite part of the blanket is the four little corner pieces. LOL

I didn't have a lot of plans when I started my 4-H T-Shirt quilt. I think it turned out great for no plans. The only downside, is it might be a touch big for a Queen bed. Also, I only have 2 4-H T-Shirts left. No worries, I'm going to be getting another one in a month for virtual camp! Let the 4-H shirt collecting begin again.

My corner piece that is a part of the first border. Then the
blue fabric is the second border. 

So big I can't really take a picture of the whole thing. 
All the thread I had left. I was playing chicken on the last border. 

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