Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend

Add this weekend to the list of things that are sooooo different this year! Normally this is a weekend we try to all get together as a family. We have cookouts and take the cousins places to play together. While people were able to gather in small groups in Kansas this weekend, it was too soon for us.

My mom is living with us now and I'm making all of my decisions knowing that she is a part of my bubble. Anyone that I see or interact with is also in my bubble. So I'm trying to make the bubble smaller for my mom.

With all that said my oldest nephew and my mom's first grandchild graduated high school this May. My sister was having a small gathering for him in Lakin and mom and I made a plan to attend. We decided to head up early and hug him and his sister (8th grade graduate) before everyone else got there. Our plan was successful and we celebrated our crazy good plan with Braums milk shakes in Great Bend on the way back!

It was also a big trip for Purl. I believe this was her first stay in a Hotel! Since my sister's cats eat yarn we had to get a hotel room for one night. LOL it was because I'm allergic to cats, I just glare at them about the yarn!

The rest of our weekend we hung around the house. The boys and I are all participating in the Summer Reading program. We have set our goal at 12 hours of reading for each of us this summer. If all three of us make the goal we are going on a fishing trip. Some place out of state, we want fish we don't know. :-)

I hope you all had a peaceful and happy holiday weekend. I hope you did something special, even if it was not our normal special!

Grandma with the Graduates! Cadence is not really that tall
she had tall shoes! 

So proud of you Canyon! 

Purl likes the travel life! 
When it wasn't raining we played tennis! 

Everyone wants Grandma on their team.

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