Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a peaceful mother's day. Mine did not start too great. I decided to get a morning run in so I could relax the rest of the day. I was a mile away from the house when I rolled my ankle. I do this frequently, and normally don't fall. That was not the case this morning. I fell so good I slid into a chain link fence. I knew it was worse than normal because even when I do fall I pop right up and make sure no one saw me. I still looked around to make sure no one saw me, but there was no pop up.

I found my phone that flew out of my hand and guess what? I called my mom! Happy Mother's day, come get me. We got a good chuckle out of the whole thing. I'm a little sore, but very disappointed how small my injuries are. They hurt really bad for a skinned knee and hands!

I made lunch for Mom and the boys for Mother's day. It was a proper ham dinner with a lemon curd tart for dessert. I made the lemon curd myself! I used frozen phyllo dough because why would you ever try and make that. Mom and I really liked it, the boys just wanted the raspberries. Oh well.

This afternoon I finished another quilt. This one was just missing borders, I think I made the main part of it in 2005 or 2006. I was going through all of my sewing stuff last week and I found two unfinished baby quilts. This "fairy godmother" quilt has a home it can go to this summer. So I finished it. I don't know who it was originally for, but that's ok!

It was a pretty great day even if it did start with a spill. I know I'm not old because my mom laughed at me. It you fall and people look real worried you are old. If they laugh at you, you are a-ok!

My Mother's Day tart! 

The boys made me and Grandma Rosie a cake for the occasion! 

My Fairy Godmother quilt
I added two borders, I wish I had enough rainbow
fabric to go all the way around. But I was a
little short.
My skinned knee, it hurts worse than it looks. 

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