Friday, April 10, 2020

Level Face Mask: Achieved

After watching many many Youtube videos I finally decided to make the face mask featured in this one by Erica Arndt. It is a pleated pattern with three layers of fabric. The tutorial was easy to follow and it only took me about 10 minutes to make one. I have one made for me and one for a smaller child than Alex. I cut the child's size but I forgot how big his head is. So, I will try again to make his tomorrow. Then one for Daryl! 
I have read up on how to wear them. Don't touch the front of your mask and once you take it off it has to be washed and dried. I am now ready for Dillons and the wine store! 
Going to wear my bug dress when I wear my bug mask! 

Alex picked his own fabric, look at his poor ear! His next one will be bigger.

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