Sunday, April 19, 2020

I'm Pretty Sure It's Sunday

This last week of stay at home work/school/everything was probably my least productive. The weather was icky, the boys had their moments and my knees were achy. The boys and I stayed home, took Purl for reluctant walks and got our work done. I did get some knitting done, that doesn't hurt my knees! I also made three quilt blocks today, and that means I only have three left. I'm playing chicken with my interfacing right now so I'm hoping that it lasts for three more shirts!  

We finally had some excitement yesterday when our robin eggs hatched! Daryl and I were home at the time so we sent a picture to Alex right away. He was so excited! So the last thing I am waiting for is Alex's front tooth to fall out. That might be the only blog worthy news coming from Meerpohl Manor during quarantine! 

Next week I will try to be more motivated. 

Our eggs hatched! We have enjoyed sitting outside this weekend
and watching them get fed. 

Only three blocks bordered in green left! 

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