Thursday, April 23, 2020

Daryl is Making LONG term plans

It's funny that as soon as I think, "maybe all my funny kids stories are done," one of my boys comes through. To prepare you for this story sometimes the boys sleep in my bed. I have a queen size bed with lots of pillows and it seems to be preferable to their beds. During Christmas break I told them we all three don't fit, I was getting kicked to the couch in the middle of the night. So they have worked out their own rotation of whose turn it is for the nice bed. AKA my bed!

So, Sunday night I'm setting my alarm and settling in for the night. That is when Daryl tells me something that I'm not sure how long he has been planning.

Daryl "Mom when you die can I have this Hanston Quilt?"
Me "Ummmm I guess, why do you want it?"
Daryl "I like small towns and I like Hanston."
Me "Ok, that's fine with me."
Daryl "Then Alex can have your 4-H quilt that you are making. Because if I get a quilt he should get a quilt."
Me "That's good thinking buddy."

That kid! Looks like I don't have to go into too many details in my will. Daryl is already sorting it all out! On another note, I better get my 4-H quilt done quickly. Now that it is Alex's inheritance!

Daryl cuddling Purl

Fluffy Horse is who Alex prefers to cuddle! 

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