Wednesday, July 31, 2019

July Goal Progress

So I stated if I got anything done this month I would call it a win. I did get my running done and knit just a bit. So we are going to call that a good month. July is a work month, and work I did. County Fair came and went, and it was pretty smooth. It might just take seven years to get the hang of a county fair!

2019 Goals 
Read 10 Books: 8

No new books. I did download one to my Kindle but the library took it back before I even started it! 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2.5

I'm giving myself a half for finishing one sock! 

Run 400 Miles: 281

I ran 48 miles in July! My goal was 40! The long runs are what is making the difference now that I'm halfway through my half marathon training plan. The start of Aug. my long run is 5 miles at the end of August it is 8 miles. Whew, I can do this! 

Five House Projects:
No House projects. I am getting some quotes in August but not sure what work will be next. Believe or not I have to start thinking about spending extra funds on Christmas! I can't believe I just typed that....
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

One of the projects Alex did for the fair was

He was very serious about the decorating.
My half of a knitting project. 

Sunday, July 28, 2019

2019 County Fair Fun (But glad it's over!)

This year both boys had big plans for their fair projects. Daryl started a garden, tried to sew knit fabric and made his first 4-H poster. Alex is still a cloverbud so he can only bring 3 projects. He decided on his sewn pouch, decorated cupcakes and a painted bowl.

The garden did not produce vegetables in time for the fair. Next year he needs to start earlier. But he did start Marigold plants inside in April and planted them outside in May. So he took one of those for his horticulture project.

Daryl had a great results for 2019:
Purple on his Marigold
Blue on his Wildlife poster
Blue on his sewn shirt
Blue on his sewn pouch
Purple on his buymanship outift
and Reserve Champion on his Fashion Revue for buymanship

Not too shabby!

Alex has thought hard and as of today he wants to do Foods next year, sewing, NOT fashion revue and rockets! We have no experience in Rockets, so that would be new for us. :-)

I hope everyone had a great fair, "In A Galaxy Fair Fair Away" will be a hard one to beat!

After he got his fashion revue ribbon!

Daryl getting his poster judged
Daryl's purple ribbon Marigold!

Alex helping at the info booth is 2013

Alex helping at the info booth in 2019!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Alberto Turns 7!

Seven years ago, at 7:41 AM I gave birth to Alex. This morning at 7:40ish AM I finished a sock. Alex took nine months, the sock three. There is no comparison to these things I made. One is intelligent, kind and stands out from in every way. The other is a sock.

I can't believe it has been seven years since Alex was born, Daryl said at Alex's birthday lunch, "You will always be a baby to mom." I wish that was true, he is my baby, but I can't deny the person he is growing into.

He loves numbers, strawberry ice cream, pokemon, his brother and YouTube videos. And I love him when he is tired, when he is angry and when he is cuddling me. Happy Birthday Alberto, I love you!!

For his birthday he wanted Unspeakable Merch. That is what he got! 
He picked Golden Corral for his birthday lunch because they have desserts! 

Just a sock, now I have to make another.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sewing for Days

I have good news! Daryl finished his 4-H sewing project for the County Fair. He wanted to do a t-shirt this year so I found a raglan shirt pattern on Etsy. It is really slim pickings for clothing patterns for boys. This one was beginner friendly and cute.

He picked the fabric and we started the highs and lows of sewing with young people. He doesn't want my help until something is messed up, then he is mad I let him mess up. Hmmmmm, funny how that works. I'm just glad he was happy with the finished project. No matter how he does at the fair he will wear this shirt, so that is a win!

When Daryl was looking at the knits for his shirt I saw a bunch of cute fabrics. So I found a pattern for myself! I'm not done with my cactus shirt yet, but I've already got plans for some sloth shirt next! I'm going to sew all of the shirts!! Maybe he won't notice I used some of his leftover fabric for my sleeves. :-)

Too bad for my poor little sock. It is about ten rows from done, but my attention has been diverted. Maybe I'll finish it this weekend at the 4-H horse show. My sewing machine does not travel like my knitting needles do!

Good job Daryl! 

Still need to finish the collar and hem the sleeves and bottom. 

Poor neglected sock. 

Monday, July 8, 2019

4th of July 🎆

The boys and I had a pretty calm 4th of July holiday, and that was great! After our travels just before the 4th, I spent my days off catching up on sleep and running.

We have continued our tradition of watching the Potwin parade on the 4th, and then had lunch at Jaime's house. I think that is the best neighborhood for 4th of July festivities. The boys went with their dad that evening and according to them did a ton of Firecrackers!

So happy they got to be with both parents this time. Holidays like this one are just more fun with the kids.

Now that the holiday is over it's time to hit the 4-H projects hard. Daryl has his last sewing project cut out. He just needs to sew it, make a poster, prepare a talk and pick out buymanship outfits. Whew, we should have started sonner!
Taken after the last game of the season. 

He is trying to sew a knit this year.
Send happy thoughts!

Potwin Parade 

"Our Moms Knit" gang

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

June Goal Progress

June was actually pretty awesome. Me and the boys got to enjoy 4-H camp and then a few weeks later got to visit two National Parks. Between those two things I was under the weather, so that is why I didn't get the runs in that I wanted. 
I will just readjust my focus in July. If I get ANYTHING done in July I will be doing good. July is Al's birthday month, the fair and school enrollment. Wish us luck! 

2019 Goals 
Read 10 Books: 8
Nine Perfect Strangers by L. Moriarty 

I added one book in June. It was what I call a "Beach Read". Just a fun book that had a lot of stories going on at once. I would recommend! I could not put it down while we were on vacation and finished it on a golf course in Idaho. :-)  

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2
I made a little sock progress in June. My book I was reading on vacation was too good to stop and knit. LOL I'm 3/4 of the way done with one sock. 

Run 400 Miles: 233
I ran 33 miles in June. My goal was 40 but I ended up not running any at camp or on vacation. I could have, but was tired. So that is that. I did bite the bullet and signed up for a half marathon in October. I really really want to run it this time. I've started a plan, and will try and slug through the hot July weather. 

Five House Projects:
I refinished the door in June! Yay! I actually don't know if I will get to fixing the basement stairs this year, so this might be it for the year. Super happy with this list! 
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

More Vacation Pictures!! 

The boys added another state to their travels! 

Don't tell the Bozeman golf course, but we
did let the boys drive golf carts!

Grand Tetons from Jenny Lake! 

I think the boys enjoyed the 5 min. boat ride across the lake
more than the 2 hour hike back! 

Just chilling by a waterfall, that's all.