Thursday, May 30, 2019

May Goal Progress!

So much happened in May. I went to Dress School, finished another grad class and the boys are officially in summer break. Must have been motivated because I have gotten a lot of things done this month. Let's keep this going through June and July, I will need the extra "pep" for the summer months!

2019 Goals 
Read 10 Books: 7
I had five and I added 2 in May!
Zoo Nebraska by Carson Vaughan
This book was a recommend off of an Amazon e-mail. I don't usually even open these e-mails but I'm glad I opened this one. This is a true story about a man who had a dream to work with primates. It documents how little  bad decisions can add up in a very bad way. I liked this book.

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
With the current climate this book hits a little too close to home. It is non-fiction, for now. One of those books that will keep you up at night.

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2
Still only two completed items. But I have started a pair of socks! I'm on the heel of my first one, so far so good!

Run 400 Miles: 200!!!!
I ran 45 miles in May. That was 5 miles over my goal, and put me as exactly 200 for the year. That was exciting. I think the reason is all of these very cool morning we have been having after nights of rain. Makes for a refreshing run.

Five House Projects:
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 0/00)

Not only was I able to have the porch rebuilt, I also replaced the storm door. I am so happy with how the project turned out! Just need to stain it once the weather dries out a bit. :-)

Mom and I went to Hanston over Memorial Day Weekend.
She touched up dad's headstone. 

It looks great now! 


New Screen door! It actually wants to close!

I love my new porch! 

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