Wednesday, May 1, 2019

April Progress and PILLOW!

April was a quick month. I did get some stuff done so, yay me! Also, last night my mom made me a pillow that matches my favorite Alpaca blanket. It is the best thing ever and I took about 20 pictures of it this morning. My mom makes these pillows for all of the grandchildren, and I thought I should get one too. She was not this crafty when I was little. It was probably that whole job thing.  ;-)

2019 Goals 
Read 10 Books: 5
I had four and I added 1 in April:
I'll be gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara
I'm not really into reading true crime, but it is good to try new things. I only know about this book because the author passed while she was writing it, and they caught the guy after she had died. I've always thought that was so unfair, so I wanted to read her book. It was very well written and a page turner. However, I'm still not a true crime fan, sorry!

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2
I finished a hat for Jefferson! I started it in February so it was way overdue. I wonder how long it will take me to get it to him......

Run 400 Miles: 155
I added 36 miles in April. That also included a 5K that I was happy with. I'm going to go for 40 miles in May. I want to break 200 but I don't think it will be in May...

Five House Projects:
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 0/00 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 0/00)
Did have any house projects this month. Should be able to tackle one or two in May!

Hat model! 

A picture with Daryl because he rarely takes them
with me anymore!

My pillow!!! (Pillow model)

Now I can take my blanket and pillow on all my trips!

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