Friday, May 17, 2019

1st Grade Music Program

It has been a crazy busy week, and I've been meaning to write this post since Tuesday. But that is summer!
On Tuesday, Alex had his music program. His music teacher put together a great show. They sang songs about all of the May holidays; Cinco De Mayo, Mother's Day, Teacher's Day and International Jazz Day were all represented.
Alex was so excited because he had a speaking part. He practiced in the car for a couple of weeks and you could understand every word he said. Good Job Alberto! He was also excited to get a new outfit for his program. He already wants to know when he can wear it again. :-) (shhhh, it was on sale from Easter)
After the program he asked me where we were going to eat his cake. I looked at him puzzled, "We don't have a cake." He informed me that last year he got cake and ice cream and we all took pictures. I told him, "that was for your Kindergarten graduation Alex, you don't get a cake every year!"
He wasn't pleased with that news but he did make us all take pictures! He directed them, one of all of us, one with grandma, one with daddy and one with mommy. We took them all! What a goof!

Daryl had to run to the car, almost a family picture! LOL

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