Thursday, June 6, 2019

Summer Time = Baseball Time

The boys have both started playing baseball games. I have not seen Daryl play yet, but I should get to finally catch one of his games on Saturday. I got to see Alex play last weekend and he is picking up right where he left off last summer. He got a hit every time he went to the plate! We are still working on fielding, and by "we" I mean him, his coaches and grandma! I'm just in it for the sunflower seeds and sun!

Daryl played catcher his first game and I heard good reports. He also got two hits, he plays kid pitch, so that is an accomplishment! He gives me a lot of grace when I miss games, I get a full report when we are together. :-)

I'm doing some training out of town this week, but thanks to facetime I've gotten some reports from how summer day camp is going! So far counselors are good, and Daryl has gone off all of the diving boards at the Gage Park pool. That is crazy fantastic, he was so scared of them last year. That guy is growing up before my very eyes!!

Alex up to bat! He is playing with the Dirt Devils again this year. 

This was from our annual last day of school lunch.
Daryl picked Red Lobster this year.
The boys could not give me one good picture........

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