Sunday, June 16, 2019

Meerpohls go to Camp!

This week the family was relocated to Rock Springs 4-H Camp! We are actually still here, I'm borrowing a computer from the nurse station. LOL

This is Daryl's fourth year at camp and he loves it. He was talking about it for two weeks before he left to anyone that would listen. He is having a great time bopping around, giving me little waves when our paths cross.

This is Alex's FIRST year at camp. He came to rookie camp this morning and will only stay one night. My first year to Rock Springs 4-H camp Alex was 10 months old, he has been waiting patiently for his turn to go. He was ready to pack three days before I even left with counselors. He has been planning for everything that Daryl has ever talked about. He even knew he could wear his swim trunks in the shower if he wanted. 😂

They are out there rocking and rolling and I am having a blast being a small part of their camp experience.

Look everyone, he CAN set a table! 

Alex has arrived! 

First lunch is chicken strips, not a bad way to start camp!

Had to grab one family picture. 
Aunt Sofia came to be our nurse!!! 

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