Saturday, December 29, 2018

Presents, cousins and knits!

I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday! The Manor is currently in the holiday vacation haze. What day is it, did Daryl have an appointment today, is it trash day? The boys have had so many consecutive days of opening presents that Alex was a little disappointing when it stopped. Maybe being a part of a split family isn't so bad! LOL

They had Christmas Eve day with Dad
Came home Christmas Eve and had Christmas Morning with Mom
Dad picked them up for Christmas Day with the Meerpohls
Then we had Christmas with the Stiles on the 27th! Whew!

Here, Alex got Battleship and some Star Wars Legos from Santa. Daryl got a Basketball and Football from Santa. I got Daryl a Guitar and Alex a mountain bike! For books Daryl got a North American Animal Guide, (It's so cool!), Alex got two Dog Man books. They liked all of their gifts and I only mention them here because this is the kind of thing I forget from year to year. And, this blog is our family scrapbook ;-)

Our Brown cousins came on the 25th and Stiles cousins got here on the 26th. From then on out I didn't really see my children, they were hanging out in the basement! It is so fun to have them all together. They all fight over Clara's attention and wrestling is the main event. I wish they all lived closer, but them being so far apart does make their time together special. We went bowling for Henry and Charlie's birthday and all the kids did better than I did!

2018 Holiday was a success!

Alex loves games, this one is perfect because he
can't speed through it.

If you are going to be a cowboy, you need
to learn to play the guitar! 

The kids cave! 

For the second year in a row Clara was the only one to get a knit
gift. I didn't have enough yarn to make it as long as the pattern called for but
the dress turned out great! 

Cousin picture! Only missing Canyon. 

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