Thursday, December 20, 2018

I did it once...Can I keep doing it?

So I'm tossing around this idea. No electronics from 5pm to bedtime. Anyone who knows me knows that my phone is always close by. I might be addicted to it, I might be bored, who really knows.

Here is the unsettling thing, the boys and I look the same at night. We are all looking at a phone or a kindle, sitting in the living room. I admit it, I'm a mom that has no screen time limit. When they aren't on screen time they are on SCREAM time and I get tired of it. I want to do better, but this is the dilemma of the 2018 family. Electronics are a part of our lives and we have to live with them, but I think the Meerpohls need some new rules.

I just let myself imagine an evening with no phones or kindles, there is so much else we could be doing. I could be making them clean for goodness sake! Of course Daryl doesn't want to read when he could be watching bull riding on Youtube. Why would Alex want to build with actual Legos when he has Minecraft?

It's all fine a good to say no devices, but that means I have to do it too. I'm the worst of all of us. This is serious. But, we are only talking about three and a half hours. So it's doable. In fact we did it tonight! It was easier because Daryl had basketball and Alex wasn't feeling well. So they didn't even fight me tonight. I'm not going to get over confident, this is going to be a hard rule to keep. But from after school to bedtime you might not hear from me. Don't worry I will hit you back a little after 8:30!

`Signed a phone-a-holic

PS-I bet if I can do this, I could drink those six glasses of water a day.......

PPS-Going to try and do this first.......

PPPS-There is water in wine (fact)

Because I will never have as much time with them as I do now!
And if it doesn't work, we tried! Day #1 Done! 

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