Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Boys are Alright

I know it has been awhile but most of my free time has been taken up by panic knitting. Right now I'm praying I have enough yarn to finish a gift. It is not looking good!

However, while I have been furiously knitting, buying and wrapping, the boys have been rocking school! I need to brag a bit because they are both knocking my socks off.

When Daryl took his first math assessment of the year he got totally flustered, didn't finish and rated beginning in skill. The scale is beginning, developing, proficient and advanced. His teachers and I have been working with him since August to not give up on himself. He had been totally shutting down the moment he didn't know how to do a problem. It has been his first struggle with school and his whole village has been trying to help him.

His goal for his semester assessment was to be proficient and to gain 180 points. He gained over 300 points, reached advanced and had one of the highest scores in his class! His teacher and I were over the moon. I asked him what he wanted and he said, "my cowboy hat back and a steak dinner." First, yes I did take some of his favorite things away. I was desperate to motivate him! He got his hat back and his steak dinner, he picked Longhorn Steakhouse and we had a blast celebrating his breakthrough!

Alex has been rocking school all year. And he didn't say anything when we were all making a big deal over Daryl. Alex knows how much Daryl had been struggling and he was proud of him too. On Sunday when I was cleaning out the backpacks Alex said "Mom I want to show you something, you are going to be proud of me!"

He pulled out his reading assessment for the semester. The reading levels are represented by the letters of the alphabet. His teacher has let us know he is in the top reading group of the 1st grade classes. I was still super proud to read on his assessment that he is testing at a level M. All 1st grade is supposed to be at a J at the end of the year. And Alberto is already at an M!!

I told him I was most certainly proud of him and where did he want to eat?! So tonight we had Wendy's, and he ordered 10 chicken nuggets instead of the kid's 4 piece meal. AND he ate two of Daryl's on top of that!

Most times I feel inept as a single working mom. This past week has made me proud of my boys and our little family! We are alright!

Saw The Grinch movie last weekend, Love it. Tired Moms, this one
is for us! 

See what they did there? Look at the other picture again. 

Got this note from Alex in my bedroom. I don't know when he wrote it.
For background we have been working on talking about things
instead of crying and throwing fits. He is getting better! 

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