Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I got this!

New Year, new goals, that is how I operate. I don't get motivated about something unless I make a goal out of it. Then you can divide the work by 12 and then by 4 and make a little game of it. I'm weird but this system has kept me in shape and I've paid off a lot of debt. I like a to do list and I love a good goal!

I didn't do too bad last year but I only completely accomplished my four trips goal. I made it to Colorado, Texas, South Dakota and Hawaii! I don't have a trip goal this year because that kind of traveling is a little pricey. Do have one trip planned this summer for me and the boys. Pretty excited about getting them on an airplane!

So I have five house projects on the list for 2019. Hence the less trips this year. In 2018 I became a homeowner, time to act like it!

I have set the goal to knit four things this year. I only did two last year but I'm already halfway done with something right now. So I'm stacking the win column.

I plan to run 400 miles this year. Don't laugh too hard, you'll hurt yourself. (That's only 8ish a week. That's only 5 more than I'm getting now! LOL!)

And I WILL read 10 books this year. That shouldn't be that hard, I enjoy reading, I just like sleep more. I got a book for my Birthday from my sister in law and that is being read right now. Nine more to go!

What's your goal for 2019? It's not about changing yourself, it's about bettering yourself. :-)

Spent New Year's eve in Lawrence and ended up at the Jazz House. They had a live band and it was a lot of fun. I don't remember the last time I was on the town for New Year's Eve so, I'm glad I talked Jefferson into it!

Took the boys skating Saturday, we lasted two hours! 

Can you beat a pickle and slush at the snack bar?

After we all got out on Limbo. Yes, I played too!

New Year's Toast! Nothing to complain about in 2018.
Let's keep that going in 2019!

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