Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Putting in place an idea...

The best time to make a new devices rule was probably not the week before Christmas break.

One thing that I love when we do go device free is we pick a movie together, or read together, or plan what we want to do together. Before, we might all be in the living room but we are all doing different things.

The night before we went back to school Alex was bored so he decided to draw. Then I said he should write a story. Then Daryl had opinions about the project. As I'm writing this post I realize boredom may not be the enemy. Boredom may be the catalyst for playing with the old toy, getting out a board game or finding the book to read.

I don't have a word for 2019 and I don't think I want boredom to be that word. Maybe it should be calm or stillness. We need to have a shut down time so we can see what else might happen. That was not the result I was seeking but the boys are amazing me with that outcome.

So the rule is no devices from 5pm to 8:30pm. We only break that to look up a recipe to make or to pick out a Netflix movie to watch. I have also decided I can take pictures. :-)

Here are some pictures of shut down time
How close can we get to the geese game. 

Alex made a friend at the zoo. 
He mastered cupcakes from a mix so he made a yellow cake from scratch! 

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