Wednesday, January 30, 2019

2019 Goal Check In

I set some goals in January and I'm pretty proud of my progress! I'm going to try and do a monthly update to keep my goals top of mind. I also journal to remind me daily of what I need to be doing. If you don't plan your time, it passes anyway. Mostly while you are watching the Great British Baking Show on Netflix. LOL

Read 10 Books: 2
Girl Go Wash Your Face, Rachel Hollis (A lot of good ideas, my favorite was don't flake on yourself)
Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls, David Sedaris (Just funny.)

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 1
Finished Mitts for Alex!

Run 400 Miles: 41
Whoop Whoop!

Five House Projects:
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 0/00 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 0/00 )
Water Heater (Completed: 0/00 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 0/00 )

Too Cold for house projects! Maybe later.....

How are you doing on your goals?

First project of 2019! He has already lost them once. Ugh

It's easy to read with reading buddies! 

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