Monday, January 21, 2019

Daryl's First Lock-In!

Every year 4-H has a Jr. Sr. Lock-In that starts at seven and goes till midnight. This was the first year Daryl was old enough to attend. To make it more fun he also invited his friend from school to be his guest. It was a great time at the YMCA and even though it was 0 degrees outside, the kids were swimming in the pool inside!

The speaker of the Lock In gave many powerful lessons of achieving your dreams through hard work. He then taught all 80 youth how to salsa dance! Daryl said he liked that part but all of the girls he danced with were too tall! Going to have to get used to that, buddy!

Daryl and I had a Mom Son day the day after the lock-in. We had breakfast at Hanovers, cruised Target (WE DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING!), and watched the Chief's game with friends. Poor Chiefs! It was fun to have a day all to ourselves. Talking in the car Daryl told me when he is with Dad he misses me and when he is with me he misses Dad. I told him the truth, it is the same for us! So I told him to enjoy his time with each of us while he is there and know that the other parent is patiently waiting our turn. :-)

He is growing up before our eyes.

Learning his salsa steps! 

Slept till 10:30 the next morning. He said they stayed up till 3am!
 I was in bed at 12:30! 

Never too old for a place mat with a puzzle on it! 

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