Thursday, March 31, 2016

Kitchen Refresh 98% Done!

We got our long awaited counter top today! Yay! For being so tiny I don't know why it took a month to get it. All Kelly has left is a couple of pieces of trim and we are all done. I'm going to go ahead and post the "it's done" pictures because I don't know how much a of a difference the trim pieces are going to make anyway.
So in recap new fridge, new floor, new baseboards, two new cabinets that we tried really hard to match but I don't care that they don't match and new tiny counter top for new coffee station!
PS-In the middle of this project our microwave of three years decided to be a butt and stop working. That is on the list to replace in May. IT NEVER ENDS!!!! (and now that i have one pretty counter top i want to replace the rest, shhhhh don't tell Kelly)
Before with yucky white floor

After! Kelly has a piece to put on the inside of that cabinet.
That is the 2% not done yet. 

Yay, Kitchen project over! Our new floor is tile, it kind of looks like laminate
in pictures,but it's not.

Good help is hard to find, Kelly put in the new
outlet upside down. Silly Kelly! 

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