Friday, April 15, 2016

I ran a race and I knit a thing!

Long time no blog! Things are getting a little hectic around here but that's ok, when we work as a family the manor can conquer anything. :-)
Last Saturday I ran my half marathon that I had been training for. I fell off the running wagon about two weeks before the race but I was still happy with my result. I wanted a sub 2:05 time and I'm happy to report I ran a 2:03:59! My next half (TBD) I would like to get back under 2 hours. I did that once and I think I can do it again.
I ran the race without my cheering section, but I was OK with that. Race day for me means a work day for Kelly if him and the boys are going to watch me finish. I had to leave at 5:30am and if that's not painful enough, they have to wait 2 hours for me to finish. With a 7 year old and 3 year old in tow that's like 10 hours.
So the boys stayed home and pampered me appropriately for the rest of the day! ;-)
Ps-It was soooooooo cold, I'm more proud that I didn't say "screw it," and stay in bed than hitting my time goal.
A couple of weeks ago I also finished a silly hat for a co-worker. I don't know if he got it yet, but I'm hoping he saw the hilarity in the project. It's not easy being a state worker these days so we will take the laughs where we can get them!
Do I look cold? I was freezing!!
Pointy hat with a pom pom!
Held worsted yarn double and it took 4 skeins!


  1. Love your blerch shirt. Nice work on your sub 2:05 goal. My goal is to just sign up and do another. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. You can do it! I was thinking about you before this race because I almost wore a hoodie that I bought in San Diego to start the race. I knew I would have to toss it half way through and I just couldn't do it! I left the hoodie in my car, I love our San Diego memories too much!!
