Friday, April 29, 2016

Take Me Out to The Ballgame!

The weather is pretty gray today but last Sunday it was great! Daryl is playing baseball again this summer and he has been practicing for about a month already. His games start in May and he is really excited to face another team. 
No worries grandparents, we don't have a schedule yet, when we do you will too! :-) 
Alex also enjoys backyard baseball, every nice night we are always playing. 
It's been awhile since I've had a funny Daryl story, he still tells them I just don't make good notes anymore. Last night him and Kelly had a pretty good exchange. 
Daryl- What are we having for dinner? 
Kelly- Tacos
Daryl- I can eat a lot of tacos!!
Kelly- When I was in college me and my friend had a contest on who could eat more, I ate 13!! 
Daryl- Wow......
Daryl- Is that why you have some extra weight down there? (Daryl points to Kelly's belly)
Kelly- I guess so. :-) 

In case you have never seen it, this is Alex throwing a fit. 

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